Kuwaiti anonymous cartoonist MAD M2000

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MAD M2000 is the name of a blog that belongs to an anonymous cartoonist who signs his cartoons in (MAD M2000 Kuwait). His cartoons are only characterized by professionalism, accuracy and severe criticism of his Kuwaiti society and its political condition.
What drove me to write about him today is watching the Egyptian movie "The strike of Shams" and the attempts of its star "a photographer" to show the editor en-chef the pictures taken by him. I laughed secretly and I scrutinized the space of freedom that the creators and free-thinking persons have today, which is, despite all its faults, much greater space than we expect, in fact.
A cartoonist like MAD M2000 was not only raving alone in his own room but also he was hiding his cartoons in the kitchen attic, where he was only showing it to his trustful friends or even, in most cases, he was chasing the bureaucrats to let him or the community to be involved in his rave and dream, thus they grant him a gallery license which would save him and many others from police detectives and agents, while the whole space becomes a large gallery wall on which they hang their dreams, bitterness and views.
I believe the cartoon, in particular, has benefited from the new display space. Its privacy does not allow the accumulation of cartoons hoping that it will be displayed one day, while most newspaper and magazine departments consider the cartoon as a short comic interval for entertainment, such as horoscopes and crosswords, and which can be dispensed at any moment, to remind the cartoonist and his/her fans of the prison bars and chains.
Despite his struggle and adopting many issues in society, which I consider as the most important characteristic of the creator, he does not draw any subject for instant need or according to the main news of the day, but because he has ideas and visions which he defends and lives for it. We have noticed that in his campaign to demand the change or activation of the constituencies code of the National Assembly of Kuwait, which reminds us of the campaign led by Emad Hajaj in the elections in Jordan.
However, MAD M2000 decided to conceal his character, which is hardly a strategic decision through which he is trying to get rid of social control and restrictions on expression freedom, from which the creators in our region are still suffering, albeit it's also hardly a decision of suicide for its maker or his/her intellectual rights.
I think that the case of MAD M2000 Kuwait, as anonymous, is emitting some of his soul on the Internet, not an isolated case, but it is one of the most sophisticated cases - in cartoons - and it is worthy of more attention and in-depth study.
MAD M2000 Kuwait stopped displaying more since 2011. His last update was on February 10, 2011, which was his last cartoon of his black cat grilling the sparrows of Twitter. MAD M2000 did not stop and did not give up, instead he decided to activate the dream more effectively through Twitter, which is a hard decision for bloggers, computers and smartphones users like me, however, his Twitter account is no longer active.
Where are you MAD M2000? I hope you receive my greetings!
A link to the blog of MAD M2000 Kuwait:

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