Arabcartoon website in corporation with Jordanian cartoonists association
Invites you to participate in international cartoons contest:
carica..ter *
Them: How the cartoonist sees himself, and how people see him?
Few days before New Year, Two daily Jordanian newspapers, inform 5 cartoonists they will be fired at the New Year!!
What kind of relation between the cartoonists and the journalism, editor in chiefs, Etc.
- Open to all professional cartoonists, all over the world.
- Deadline: 15 April 2010
- Each cartoonist can submit a max of 2 cartoon works
- A4 size. 150 dpi
- Only JPEG format
- Black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted.
- The text should be in Arabic or English languages
- All cartoons must send in one email, attached with the following entry forum: Her
- The first winner will be awarded a symbolic award, one month cartoonist salary equal to 422 $, and other awards.
- Competition organizers have the right to use the participated cartoons for non profit tendencies.
- Send your cartoons to:
Who we can make the cartoon is the tools and the subject in same time?
*carica..ter: is a combination between a “cartoons” and “go away” in Arabic language
Friday, January 15, 2010 - 00:00
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How the cartoonist sees himself, and how people see him?
Participation way: